Did you know that Facebook has more than one billion active daily users and nearly twice as many active monthly users? Compared to 1.5 billion active monthly subscribers on YouTube and less than 500 million on Twitter, Facebook remains the largest social media network in existence.

Some other user statistics to keep in mind:

●      Nearly one-third of Facebook users regularly engage with brands

●      Users spend an average of 35 minutes on Facebook each day

●      Users access Facebook, on average, eight separate times per day

And then, of course, there are advertising statistics:

●      A whopping 93% of marketers regularly use Facebook advertising

●      The average CPC for Facebook advertisements is $1.72

●      Nearly half of a Facebook video advertisements value is earned in the first three seconds

For many businesses both small and large, these numbers mean advertising opportunities galore. But not every Facebook-based marketing campaign is a success. In fact, most of them aren’t!

How can you properly use Facebook to create and share advertisements that generate leads and authority for your brand? Here are five ways to make an unstoppable Facebook Ad campaign:

Define Your Ideal Customer

Businesses advertise on social media to reach their target audience. Facebook, in particular, is an impressive way to reach a niche audience of several thousand, rather than pitting your brand against a slew of unrelated competitors.

In order to target your audience, you must be able to define your demographic. Are you looking for customers in a specific age group? What about gender, occupation, or location? These are all factors you can use to describe your audience on Facebook.

Still, there are dozens more, including:

●      Relationship Status

●      Education

●      Job Title

●      Hobbies

●      Entertainment Preferences

●      Purchase Behaviors

●      Device Usage

To create your target audience, write down five factors you’d like to consider. For example, a restaurant might target potential customers through gender, age, and location – among other things.

Once you’ve chosen your factors, think about your brand, loyal customers, and long-term goals. Who should you target? An upscale restaurant, for example, might target men in the local area between the ages of 30 and 60.

It all depends on your ideal customer. Picture the person who most frequently purchases your product or service. How can you reach similar customers?

Build Your Advertisement

Successful advertisements aren’t created – they’re built from the ground up.

To get started, think about your foundation. What are your short-term and long-term goals? What statistics will you measure to determine success? How should this advertisement approve those metrics? And, finally, what message are you trying to send?

Once the foundation is solid, you need to visit separate categories that come together to form your advertisement. These categories are design, targeting, and miscellaneous.

Let’s start with targeting, which is perhaps the most important part of your campaign. Before you can create an advertisement, you need to consider your audience. Think about interests, ages, and other essential factors that define your target customer.

Then, it’s time to worry about design. This category covers the headline, call to action, value proposition, image, and text.

Your headline should grab the attention of Facebook users. Your call to action, usually a button, will encourage the reader to subscribe to your email list, make a purchase, or visit your website. A value proposition outlines why readers should consider you offer. What’s in it for them?

The image is an essential part of attention-grabbing. Images account for 75-90% of all Facebook advertising performance and should therefore be carefully considered. What image best represents the feeling you want your advertisement to convey?

Finally, additional text will explain your offer, outline your company, and direct your audience.

Once you’ve thought about design, there are several remaining factors in the miscellaneous category. These include the type of advertisement you want to create, the landing page your click-through readers will see, and the object of your campaign. What is your ultimate goal?

Consider these categories in equal parts, and you’ve got yourself a campaign.

Use Geographic Targeting

We discussed the importance of targeting location in your advertising campaign. Using normal settings, you can target users based on their country, state, and city.

But there’s something even more impressive you can utilize. In recent years, Facebook released an advanced location targeting service that allows you, the business owner, to focus on a specific address. You can refine your audience to people who live in, have lived in, or are traveling to the area of your choice.

This feature can bolster location targeting, making it easier to attract walk-in customers, drive purchases during sales events, stand apart from the competition, increase loyalty, and drive traffic from local landmarks. Indeed, there are few things more useful for brick-and-mortar stores than geographic targeting.

Consider Your Offer

According to successful advertiser Gary Halbert, “Strong copy will not overcome a weak offer. But, in many cases, a strong offer will succeed in spite of weak copy written by marketing morons.”

When designing your advertisement, think about your offer. Consider, for example, the two options below:

“Buy 5 Used Books, Get 5 Used Books!”

“Price Lowered – $2.00 Per Book!”

The first offer might bring a fair number of customers to your shop, but they’ll buy exactly five books and walk away with ten. It’s not exactly shareworthy.

The second advertisement, however, will bring in book lovers everywhere. It appeals to consumers’ love of unlimited deals. You can choose as many books as you want, and you’ll get a discount on everything. There’s something inherently more shareworthy there.

Measure Your Sales

In order to have successful future campaigns, you need to harvest data from your current campaign. This means conducting A/B testing, measuring your sales, and following key statistics that define your short-term and long-term goals.

Keep this information in a safe and easily accessible place. The more data you collect, the less you’ll waste your marketing dollars on losing advertisements in the future.

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